New residual herbicide available
Fierce herbicide, the newest residual from Valent U.S.A. Corporation, received registration for corn last year and is now available to soybean growers for the longest-lasting, broadest spectrum control of broadleaves and grasses, including species that are resistant to glyphosate and other chemistries.
Fierce combines pyroxasulfone, which is a new chemistry for grass and broadleaf control, with Valor herbicide. Fierce can be applied up to three days after planting soybeans or up to seven days before planting notill or reduced-till corn. It is one of the only products that gives growers flexibility to plant soybeans or corn.
In a series of university and private trials from 2010 to 2012, the new herbicide provided two more weeks of residual control than competitive herbicides of key weeds and grasses, including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion, marestail, annual nightshades, pigweed species and annual grasses. Additional data indicated that Fierce showed strong results in crop safety.
VRI QuickStart prescription
Valley Irrigation introduces the addition of QuickStart (QS) prescription writing to its Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) product, allowing growers to customize water applications throughout their fields.
The Valley VRI Agronomy Team develops the one-time, custom QS prescription based on soil maps, aerial imagery, yield data and other relevant information about the field provided by the grower. When this information is provided with new orders, the QS prescription is preloaded in new Valley Select2 and Pro2 control panels.
QuickStart prescriptions are also available to growers with existing center pivots wanting to use VRI through panel upgrades and by using TrackNET and BaseStation2 products. Growers will also receive a copy of the Valley VRI Prescription Software. For more information, contact your local Valley dealer or visit
Broader-spectrum fungicide
DuPont Aproach fungicide is a broaderspectrum fungicide that will deliver more reliable results by controlling both foliar and soil-borne fungal diseases.
Aproach provides more complete coverage because it is rapidly absorbed and moves quickly into each plant. This can help compensate for less-than-ideal timing, since weather and other crop demands can make it difficult to plan fungicide applications perfectly. It has a unique ability to redistribute within the crop canopy, increasing protection deeper into the crop canopy, closer to the soil surface, where key diseases originate.
Studies have demonstrated that DuPont Aproach fungicide will provide more reliable plant health and disease control for improved yields you will see with your yield monitor.
To learn more about Aproach fungicide, contact your local DuPont retailer or representative and visit
Herbicides strengthen resistance management programs
MANA has launched five new soybean weed control tools: Rumble, Tailwind, Torment, Vise and Outflank herbicides. Each product is efficacious against tough-to-control grass and broadleaf weeds using advanced technology to expand performance of “gold star” conventional active ingredients. The new MANA lineup touts resistance management attributes for improved weed control with emphasis on glyphosate-, HPPD-, triazine- and ALS-resistant weed species. Visit