Friday, January 24, 2025

University of Tennessee hosts dicamba training sessions throughout the state

dicamba damage to soybeans
Dicamba injury in soybeans is what University of Tennessee Extension experts hope to prevent through dicamba stewardship training. The training is mandatory for anyone planning to apply dicamba over the top of soybeans or cotton in 2019 — photo courtesy University of Tennessee

Before Tennessee applicators can apply low-volatile versions of dicamba herbicide in 2019, they must first attend an approved dicamba-specific training.

University of Tennessee Extension will offer a dicamba stewardship training across multiple locations, dates and platforms. Dicamba training is mandatory for all individuals applying XtendiMax, Engenia or FeXapan, not just the certified applicator. Individuals who completed dicamba training in 2018 will still be required to complete training in 2019.

“The goal of this training module is to get everyone on the same page with regards to dicamba practices,” says Larry Steckel, UT Extension weed specialist and training coordinator. “Therefore, everyone who will be in the sprayer seat applying dicamba in 2019 will have to be trained.”

The one-hour dicamba stewardship training will be held in-person at regional grain conferences and at UT Extension county meetings held across the state. These trainings will begin January 22.

Additionally, the training will soon be available online through K@TE, the university’s learning management system for training and professional development.

The cost of the training is $25.

The training fulfills a portion of the federal requirements to apply XtendiMax, Engenia and FeXapan. You must have a valid dicamba certification card to apply these pesticides in Tennessee. Participants will receive their dicamba certification card at the training conclusion.

The training will cover best management practices for XtendiMax, Engenia and FeXapan as well as changes to the 2019 federal and state label for these formulations.

Changes to these labels include, new spray application hours, limits on the number of over-the-top applications per season, new tankmix pH directions, and enhanced buffer zones for counties with potential threatened or endangered species.

Because XtendiMax, Engenia and FeXapan are registered as restricted-use pesticides, producers must have private applicator certification in addition to dicamba certification to use these products.

Click to view the days, locations and times of training, beginning Jan. 22, in Tennessee.

The University of Tennessee contributed this article.

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