Bob Stark, agricultural economics professor with the University of Arkansas’ School of Agriculture and Southeast Research & Extension Center, Monticello, and Jeremy Ross, professor and Extension soybean agronomist, Little Rock, review the trading week in Arkansas ending Jan. 1, 2021.
The report includes price graphs for the shortened mid-holiday trading week, a December monthly summary and a 2020 annual summary. Soybean prices have experienced an amazing rise over the past four months
The report represents the No. 1 yellow soybeans 2020 crop cash market prices.
Sept. 30 marked the final day of the U.S. Department of Agriculture soybean marketing year. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service price quotes shifted from the 2019 crop to 2020 crop in the cash market.
All prices were compiled from the Arkansas Daily Grain Report by the USDA AMS.
Click here to view the complete reports.