If you grow soybeans in North Carolina and have some good-looking fields, you may want to consider entering the North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest.
The annual competition is conducted by North Carolina State Extension and the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association to recognize high-yielding producers across the state and to also understand the management practices that are leading to these high yields.
The 2020 North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest entry form is available on the Soybean Extension portal. The contest award categories can be viewed in the entry form.
It is important to ensure you are very familiar with the contest rules and adhere to all requirements when entering the North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest. In the video below, county Extension Agent Tim Hambrick discusses some important considerations for entering the North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest. If you have any questions, we encourage you to connect with a senior County Extension agent who has experience with the North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest or Dr. Rachel Vann while you are in the process of measuring your yield contest plot and completing your entry.
View previous North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest entries and associated management practices.
If you have a soybean field with high yield potential, we encourage you to work with your County Extension agent and consider entering the field into the North Carolina Soybean Yield Contest so that we have an opportunity to recognize the outstanding soybean producers across the state.
North Carolina State Extension contributed this article.