BASF introduces three new seed treatments for 2021

BASF logoWith the recent registration by the Environmental Protection Agency, BASF has introduced three new seed treatments for soybeans: Vault IP Plus, Poncho XC  and Relenya. They will be available through local retailers for the 2021 season, according to a news release.

Vault IP Plus contains an inoculant, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, as well as two biological fungicides, Bacillus subtilis strain BU1814 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600, according to the label.

Annual inoculation from Vault IP Plus is beneficial to soybean fields planted early in wet and dry soils where native rhizobia may die-off or be less effective.

The seed treatment’s dual biofungicide component provides effective protection against soilborne diseases including Fusarium and Rhizoctonia – two major fungal pathogens causing root rot, according to the release. This added protection works alongside base fungicides to give soybeans an extended period of protection from fungal diseases, right from the start.

Vault IP Plus is also designed with one of the lowest application rates in the category, leaving room for other treatments and 40% reduced packaging.

Poncho XC seed treatment is the latest addition to the Poncho family of products. Long known for its protecting corn, Poncho XC features the same long-lasting and fast-acting insect protection for soybeans. It contains the active ingredient, clothianidin, a Group 4A and a neonicotinoid. It targets damaging early season insects such as aphids, bean leaf beetles, thrips and white grubs.

Relenya seed treatment offers soybean growers a powerful new seed-applied tool for disease management that can be added to a base fungicide foundation to boost disease protection under Fusarium and Rhizoctonia pressure. It contains the active ingredient, mefentrifluconazole, which belongs to the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee’s Group 3.



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