2021 UArk metribuzin ratings for soybean varieties

• By Jeremy Ross •

arkansas pigweed
Palmer amaranth in a northeast Arkansas soybean field

Every year, varieties entered into the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Soybean Performance Trials are screened for tolerance to metribuzin.

Metribuzin (Tricor, Canopy, etc.) is a PSII inhibitor (Group 5) herbicide that provides residual control of an assortment of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in soybean, including Palmer amaranth. With the extensive use of PPO inhibitors (Group 14) and chloroacetamide (Group 15) herbicides in soybean and rotational crops, such as corn and cotton, use of an additional mode of action is a sound strategy to reduce the risk of resistance to these other herbicide MOAs.

The handicap to metribuzin use is the sensitivity of soybean varieties to it. Other environmental factors, including soil texture, organic matter, rainfall, soil pH and product use rate, may also play a part in sensitivity.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture conducted a greenhouse screening of soybean varieties, testing their tolerance to metribuzin at a rate of 0.5 lb ai/ac or 10.67 oz/ac of a 75DF metribuzin product.

Soybean varieties are given a rating of either Slight Injury, Moderate Injury, or Severe Injury based on results from a greenhouse screening.

Download: 2020 Metribuzin Tolerance of Soybean Varieties

Dr. Jeremy Ross is a University of Arkansas professor and Extension agronomist – soybeans. He may be reached at jross@uaex.edu.

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