⋅ Angela McClure ⋅
Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist
The Tennessee Top Bean soybean yield contest sponsored by the TN Soybean Promotion board and coordinated by UT Extension is open for entries now until September 2nd for the 2022 season. This contest is open to producers farming at least 10 acres of soybeans and each producer may submit a single entry in both the irrigated and the dryland contests.
One notable change to the 2022 Top Bean Rules for TN Soybean Yield Contest this year is in how harvest weight is certified. Producers and agents without access to a calibrated weigh wagon should continue to weigh harvested seed at a nearby certified scale and include a copy of the weigh ticket to certify weight. This year, agents with access to a weigh wagon can use their wagon to weigh contest harvest, and document weight on a new UT weight certification form.
This year, completed entry forms should be sent by text, email or paper mail to Mr. Ryan Blair, UT Extension Area grain specialist, at 605 Airways Boulevard, Jackson TN 38301. Additional contact information for Mr. Blair is included on the entry form which can be downloaded here Entry form_2022 Top Bean Soybean Yield Contest.