Editor’s note: In addition to maturity zones 6-7 Credenz soybean varieties for 2016 that appeared in Soybean South, the following Credenz varieties also are suited for the Southern geography. View the 2016 Southern Soybean Variety Roster at www.soybeansouth.com.
CZ 5147 LL
- Medium plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,100
- Excellent standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5150 LL
- Med/tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 2,900
- Excellent standability
- Excellent frogeye leaf spot rating
HBK RY 5221
- Med/tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,000
- Very good standability
- Excellent Phytophthora root rot field
tolerance and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5225 LL
- Medium plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,300
- Excellent standability
- Excellent frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5242 LL
- Tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,100
- Excellent standability
- Excellent frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5295 RY NEW
- Tall plant height
- Very good standability
- Excellent frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5375 RY NEW
- Medium plant height
- Excellent standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5445 LL
- Med/tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,300
- Excellent standability
- Above-average Phytophthora root rot
(R3) field tolerance and sudden death syndrome rating - Excellent frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5515 LL
- Tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,050
- Very good standability
- Very good frogeye leaf spot and iron
deficiency chlorosis rating
CZ 5727 LL
- Medium plant height
- Approximate seed size: 2,800
- Excellent standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 5947 LL NEW
- Med/tall plant height
- Approximate seed size: 3,200
- Excellent standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 4540 LL NEW
- Medium plant height
- Excellent standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome, frogeye leaf spot and iron deficiency chlorosis rating
CZ 4656 RY NEW
- Medium/tall plant height
- Excellent standability
- Excellent Phytophthora root rot (R1) field tolerance and sudden death syndrome rating
CZ 4748 LL NEW
- Medium plant height
- Approximate seed size: 2,800
- Excellent standability
- Excellent Phytophthora root rot (R1) field tolerance and frogeye leaf spot rating
CZ 4818 LL NEW
- Medium/tall plant height
- Above-average standability
- Excellent sudden death syndrome rating
- Above-average frogeye leaf spot and iron deficiency chlorosis rating
CZ 4898 RY NEW
- Medium/tall plant height
- Excellent Phytophthora root rot (R3) field tolerance and sudden death syndrome rating
Bayer CropScience provided information for these Credenz soybean varieties.