Monday, February 10, 2025

NCSU plans late-season soybean management webinar Sept. 11

North Carolina State Extension logoHave questions about late-season insect and disease management? Want to learn about the new historical basis tool developed by North Carolina State Extension to aid in grain marketing?

Please join us for a Zoom webinar at 8 a.m. EDT, Sept. 11, for several short presentations on these topics followed by time for dialog and questions with Drs. Wes Everman (NC State Extension weed specialist), Luke Gatiboni (NC State Extension soil fertility specialist), Nick Piggott (grain marketing Extension specialist), Dominic Reisig (NC State Extension entomology specialist), Lindsey Thiessen (NC State Extension pathology specialist) and Rachel Vann (NC State Extension soybean specialist).

If you have topics you know you would like covered during the webinar, please email Rachel Vann at

A recording of the webinar will be posted on the NC State Extension Soybean Portal following the webinar.

Please reach out to your county Extension agent for details on logging into the webinar.

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