The Louisiana Soybean Association has launched its 2017 High Soybean Yield Challenge.
The producer with the highest yield in the state could take home the grand prize of $7,500. The contest is co-sponsored by BASF.
The deadline to enter is July 1. The harvested area must be at least 5 contiguous acres and no more than 7 contiguous acres. The field also must have been planted to soybeans during one of the last three production years before 2017. And entrants must be up to date on their soybean checkoff assessments.
All harvests will be supervised by a Louisiana State University AgCenter representative or a designee.
Entries must be at least 60 bushels per acre to win.
For more information, contact the Louisiana Soybean Association at 318-542-8857.
Download more information, including harvest forms, by clicking here.