Helm plans to acquire Extreme herbicide from BASF

helm agro logoHelm Agro has signed an agreement to acquire Extreme herbicide from BASF Corp. The herbicide, a premix of glyphosate (Weed Science Society of America Group 2) and imazethapyr (WSSA Group 2), is labeled for control of a more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds in Roundup Ready soybeans, Clearfield corn and Roundup Ready alfalfa, according to a news release.

When applied following a soil residual pre-emergence herbicide, Extreme enhances weed control with
two modes of action – glyphosate and imazethapyr. Because of that, it provides a resistance management tool for difficult-to-control weeds, such as nightshade, morningglory, marestail, waterhemp, velvetleaf and foxtail.

The premix can be applied preplant, pre-emergence and early post-emergence. When applied at a rate of 3 pints per acre, it also reduces the need for a second glyphosate application on Roundup Ready soybeans, according to the release.

Michael Hoger, Helms national sales director, says that once Extreme transitions to Helm, customers can expect continued superior sales support and product quality.

“Our sales team is excited about servicing the marketplace with this outstanding offering alongside
Helm’s comprehensive product set of top quality herbicides, fungicides and insecticides,” he said in the release.


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