EPA OKs new fungicide for foliar diseases

syngenta logo -longThe Environmental Protection Agency recently registered pydiflumetofen,  an SDHI fungicide  Syngenta plans to market under the Miravis label. State registrations are pending.

The product, a member of the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee’s Group 7, is labeled for use on corn, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, grapes, vegetables and potatoes. As has been the recent trend, the active ingredient — pydiflumetofen — will be branded as Adepidyn.

The Miravis fungicide line will include five brands, each targeting a different market. They are expected to be available in late 2018 for a full launch in 2019, according to an article on the Mississippi Soybean Promotion Board website.

Of special interest to Mid-South soybean producers will be Miravis Top, which controls frogeye leaf spot, target spot and Septoria brown spot. Miravis Top is a premix of Adepidyn and difenoconazole, a FRAC Group 3 and one of the active ingredients in Quadris Top. The new premix should be effective against strobilurin-resistant frogeye leaf spot.

Miravis Neo is a premix of Adepidyn, propiconazole and azoxystrobin, a FRAC Group 11 and the active ingredient in Quadris fungicide. As a result, it contains three different modes of action. Miravis Neo provides control of gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and common and southern rust in corn. It also controls frogeye leaf spot and Septoria brown spot in soybeans.

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