BASF launches new soybean herbicide premix, Zidua Pro

zidua pro logoAfter receiving Environmental Protection Agency registration earlier this year, BASF Inc. of Research Triangle Park, N.C., has launched Zidua Pro herbicide for soybeans.

The residual herbicide premix controls a broad array of grassy and broadleaf weeds, including Palmer amaranth.

It contains three active ingredients: saflufenacil, imazethapyr and pyroxasulfone. They belong to the Weed Science Society of America/Herbicide Resistance Action Committee Group 14/Group E, Group 2/Group B and Group 15/Group K³, respectively.

BASF also markets saflufenacil as Kixor, Treevix and Sharpen. Imazethapyr is the active ingredient in Newpath and Pursuit, whereas pyroxasulfone is marketed as Zidua.

With three different sites of action, Zidua Pro provides growers with another weed resistance management tool, according to a BASF news release. It can be used as a contact burndown or residual pre-emergent.

In addition, Zidua Pro provides residual control up to 14 days longer than competitive Group 15 herbicides, providing growers with improved flexibility to make post-emergent applications and target weeds less than 4 inches tall.

On many soils, the premix carries a zero-day planting interval.

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